Hi Blogger,
Our special Online Revolution Blogger Contest is now live!
You can submit the link to your article to contest@lazada.com.my with the subject titled: Lazada Online Revolution Blogger Contest.
Last date for entry submission: 14 December 2017.
Remember: the number of prizes will increase depending on the
number of participants so spread the word to your blogger friends to increase
your chances of winning!
How to Join?
1 - To take part in this contest, each contestant needs
to answer to all the questions specified below
and write in their post:
and write in their post:
 a. Do you remember the first product that you ever purchased
online? What was it and how was
your experience?
your experience?
 b. Which types of products would you prefer buying online?
 c. What to you love about online shopping?
 d. Which products did you buy or are you planning to buy on
Lazada during the
Online Revolution sales?
Online Revolution sales?
2. Contestants need to mention the Online Revolution (https://www.lazada.com.my/online-revolution) that will
take place from 11 November to 14 December 2017. We have attached the official
Online Revolution banner to this email, all contestants are allowed to use
it in their article.
3. The article must contain screenshots of the products mentioned
in point 1.d.
4. Contestants are required to submit the link to their article
via e-mail to contest@lazada.com.my
with the subject titled: Lazada Online Revolution Blogger Contest.
with the subject titled: Lazada Online Revolution Blogger Contest.
5. Contestants are welcomed to post the article in any
6. Winners will be selected at random.
Prizes – More Participants, More Winners!*
Depending on the overall number of participants there will be
either 25, 50, 80 or 111 winners:
1. Less than 200 Participants (25 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM300 voucher
 2nd Prize: 9 x RM150 vouchers
 3rd Prize: 15 x RM100 vouchers
2. More than 200 Participants (50 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM500 voucher
 2nd Prize: 15 x RM150 vouchers
 3rd Prize: 34 x RM100 vouchers
3. More than 350 Participants (80 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM750 voucher
 2nd Prize: 35 x RM150 vouchers
 3rd Prize: 44 x RM100 vouchers
4. More than 500 Participants (111 winners)
 1st Prize: 1 x RM1,000 voucher
 2nd Prize: 50 x RM150 vouchers
 3rd Prize: 60 x RM100 vouchers
All the best for your entry!
good luck all
BalasPadamthanks kak..insyallah..join sekali tau!!:)
PadamMenarik2... kena join nih!
BalasPadamjom2..mana tau rezeki sangkut kat lazada menang voucher tue..:)
PadamTeringin nak masuk. tapi barang online utk 1st question tu tak semestinya ladaza kan kak. :D
BalasPadamcerita berkenaan first time ko bli brang kt lazada je..
Padambaru nak cuba2 join..ada tips tak huhu?
BalasPadamtips ie kna rajin kalau menang alhamdulillah rezeki..xmenang cuba laagi..hehe
Padamgood luck
BalasPadamDah join ke
BalasPadamSemoga berjaya dik...
BalasPadamTahniah adik salah seorang pemenang first giveaway akak...
Semoga berjaya dik...
BalasPadamTahniah adik salah seorang pemenang first giveaway akak...